Our response to
Good news! The World Health Organization has recently announced that as of May 2023, they will be lifting all COVID-19 restrictions.
Unfortunately, at this time, the TMC Clinic is not administering any COVID-19 vaccines. In the event of a future necessity, we will revive our vaccine program promptly.
What to expect when Visiting the Clinic
In Clinic:
The TMC Urgent Care Clinic Kingsville has an HVAC system that helps to reduce COVID19 transmission
Besides the careful, consistent processes we have put in place to ensure the safety of patients and staff during visits, we have made additional improvements to how we operate, including:
Monitoring and tracking all potential exposure risks among patients and our staff, including mandatory self-isolation for staff returning from international travel, confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis and suspected COVID-19 exposure.
Enhancing office cleaning, practicing social/physical distancing between work spaces and reducing in-person meetings.
Educating staff on the most up-to-date guidelines and resources from Public Health and Ontario Health.
Securing a sustainable supply of PPE for our staff; they have continued access to all the PPE they need to do safely do their jobs.
Clean your hands often. Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Use sanitizer when washing is not accessible.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Practice social distancing (six feet of distance between people). Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Maintain physical distance in public spaces and avoid crowds.
Stay home if you are in a higher risk population (e.g. elderly, pregnant, underlying health condition).
Opt for a phone consultation
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or in the crook of your arm; throw away used tissue immediately.
Use disinfectant wipes or sprays to clean frequently touched surfaces.